Training Wicca

Wicca is not yet "broke to ride". That is, she's never been ridden and is not trained to accept a rider. We adopted her from a rescue and they'd been working on training her. She'd worn saddles before, and had flags attached to the saddles, but she'd not yet had weight in the saddle or a human on her back.
When she first came to the ranch, she was uncertain, twitchy at everything, and not in a great mental state for training. I lacked the time, too. Still, we interacted with her on a near daily basis for feeding and the like, and she's been settling into her home.
I'll make various posts here about her training progress, but not every day will be detailed. Style may vary, information may vary, this is mostly an outlet for me to put down thoughts about her. But if you can see the post, you're welcome to read the post!