Weaning and Fly Spray
Today, 14 July 2023, I would like to fly spray my cattle and separate Macchiato from his mom, Georgia, to wean him. Like we did with Back Talk/Java, we'll do "nose to nose" weaning. In other words, Georgia and Macchiato will be in different pastures, but they'll share a fencline. They can see each other, even socialize nose-to-nose (thus the label), but not nurse. This is less traumatic for both than a total, can't-even-see-each-other separation. When we did this with Java she was fine, didn't seem to be bothered at all. Back Talk did not like it when Java was out of her line of sight and did not enjoy the engorged udder, but otherwise was good, too.
My plan is to put Macchiato, Back Talk, and Back Talk's new heifer calf into the big pasture with the two horses (the heifer calf is old enough for this now). Georgia, Paradise, Ribeye, and Java will stay in the front pasture. This leaves no calf without a playmate and has the heifer calf see us, the people, interacting with livestock on good terms.
My hope is that we can fly spray the cattle right at the gate between the two pastures, not have to put them through the alley to fly spray them, so that we don't have to take the four going to the front pasture back to the front pasture. Even if I have to chase the cows around in circles spraying them (I've done this before when a cow refused to go in the alley), this'll be less annoying for us and the cows than going through the big pasture back and forth.
But we'll see. Plans adjust to reality as we confront it.